Posts Tagged With 'Finding'

Homeless Youths Are Finding A Home And Hope

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Homeless Youths Are Finding A Home And Hope

A program committed to helping young people make the transition from homelessness and hopelessness to stability and success is celebrating its 20th anniversary.

Each year, more than one million young people under age 21 find themselves homeless in the United States. Many are runaways, throwaways (young people asked to leave home) or youths who have aged out of the foster care system.

For these homeless youths, life on the streets means not knowing where or when they will get another meal. Often, life on the streets can lead to more dangerous and damaging activities such as drug abuse, gang affiliation, prostitution and panhandling.

Fortunately for these young people, Covenant House administers a program called Rights of Passage that’s designed to assist motivated young people ages 18 to 21 who need a place to stay while they train for a job with a future.

Celebrating its 20th anniversary this year, the Rights of Passage program enables young people to live at Covenant House for up to 18 months while they learn a vocation, earn a GED, work a steady job or take college courses. When these young people graduate from the program, most are in a position to live stable and productive lives off the streets.

In 2005, Covenant House enabled nearly 60,000 young people throughout the U.S. to take their first steps toward a brighter future thanks to Rights of Passage and the many other programs offered by Covenant House-a nonprofit child welfare agency with 15 sites in the United States.

“For Rights of Passage to reach this historic mark is a very special moment for Covenant House,” said Bruce J. Henry, Executive Director of Covenant House New York and a Founder of the Covenant House Rights of Passage Program. “During the past 20 years, thousands of youths at Covenant House sites throughout the U.S. and Canada have graduated from ROP and entered the world as self-sufficient adults. Their individual stories of struggle and ultimate achievement are the reason Covenant House means so much to all of us.”

While some young people only went to a Covenant House site for short-term crisis care-such as a hot meal, a bed and new clothes–others worked with counselors and eventually enrolled in the Rights of Passage program.

Covenant House has ROP programs in Alaska, California, Florida, Michigan, New Jersey, New York, Louisiana, Pennsylvania, Texas, Toronto, Vancouver and Washington, D.C.

Approximately 85 percent of the funding for Covenant House programs comes from private donors. Their continued financial support is crucial. In addition, volunteers are needed to serve as mentors to young people in the ROP program.

Finding A Licensed Vocational Nursing School

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Finding A Licensed Vocational Nursing School

Two of Sarah’s favorite subjects in secondary school were biology and chemistry. This teenager enjoyed the complexities of the human body similar to how a computer operates.

The guidance counselor in school noticed the high scores in the field of science. After talking with Sarah, it wasn’t hard to see that this person will become a nurse after graduation.

There are not that many universities that offer nursing as a degree. This made Sarah decide to enroll in a licensed vocation nursing school instead that can be finished in two years making this person earn money while others are still toiling in the classroom.

Months before graduation, Sarah already did some research on the web. This will give the woman time to check which vocational schools are the best ones around. After typing in “nursing schools” in the search engine, a number of these institutions came out and it was time to get more information.

Most of the licensed vocational nursing schools will want the person to fill in the application form. This will also ask which location where the individual would like to study in and what specialization. Since Sarah did not know yet anything about nursing, it is best to go for the first, which is the certified nurses’ assistant.

People who start a career in nursing and start out, as an assistant will report to a head nurse. This person will learn how to give emotional and physical support to the patient.

Bryman College located in Anaheim, California is one of the schools that offer training to students both in the classroom and hands on. This institution calls the program the Vocational Nursing Certificate or LVN that can be finished in 18 to 24 months.

Another school is the Careers Networks Institute located in Costa Mesa, which is part of Orange County also in California. Those who graduate can work as a nursing assistant or choose to another course to further go up the corporate ladder.

Western Career College located in Sacramento is another institution that offers vocational nursing. People who pass the course and the licensing exam can then work as a nurse in any hospital or clinic in the country. Though some states require another licensing exam, this will already be easy once the student has some experience dealing with patients.

The institutions mentioned are just some of more than 30 other institutions scattered all around the United States. The person should check the nearest campus or move there in order to be come a certified professional from a licensed vocational nursing school.

Having Problems Finding Cheaper Tickets? Easy Tips Show You How.

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Having Problems Finding Cheaper Tickets? Easy Tips Show You How.

Whether you are traveling on business or pleasure you will always want to find the cheapest travel deal available. Looking for cheap airline tickets or bus tickets can be easier than you think.

Your first question is which mode of transportation are you looking to travel by. After you have decided that then you are ready to start researching different travel deals. If you decided you are traveling by plane there are a lot of competitors to compare deals with. Some airline tickets can be rather expensive so don’t take the first deal that you find.

Do your homework and use your resources to find ways to save money on your travel. There are many web sites that will show you the rates of several different airlines. After you have compared all the rates and you’re still not happy with the cheapest available tickets there still may be another option. Some travel web sites will offer you an option to name your own price. The trick to this is not to suggest a price that is 50% lower then the suggested price. This will definitely decrease your chances at getting a cheaper ticket. You never want to go less then 40% off. An example would be that if a suggested ticket price for a roundtrip were 0.00 you wouldn’t want to suggest a price for anything under 0.00. The total after taxes and fees would be around 0.00 or so. If you are successful at naming your own price you can save up to a hundred dollars and sometimes more on your tickets.

Saving money on bus tickets can be just as easy. Once you have found a bus carrier near you find out what kind of specials they might have. Sometimes you can save money on your bus ticket if you purchase it in advance. Depending on the Bus Company you can save almost half the regular cost of a bus trip if you purchase them online and more then a week ahead. There also might be some other deals you can find such as free companion fare on short trips, senior citizen discounts, and some children under a certain age can ride for free. Most people don’t think about taking a bus when they plan to travel far. However it you are planning on only going a short distance you will probably save more money if this is an option for you.

When you are looking to travel it shouldn’t put a hole in your wallet. After all you want to save as much as you can so you will have extra spending cash during your trip. Just remember that finding discount tickets for your next trip can be easier then you originally thought.

Dignity Travel