Posts Tagged With 'Holiday'

Real Travel: The Difference Between Traveling And Going On Holiday

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Real Travel: The Difference Between Traveling And Going On Holiday

Now, more than ever, we travel. We pack our suitcases, make sure we haven’t forgotten the sunscreen, stick our passport in our back pocket and head for the door. But so often we take our own little world with us. Working all year round for those precious couple of weeks in the sun, we barely leave the poolside at the hotel where a scrambled egg breakfast is a must and all the other guests speak with the same “normal” accent as we do. What, I ask you, is the point of crossing continents to live life exactly as we do at home?

So what does it mean to really travel? What is the difference between going on holiday and traveling? More than anything it comes down to your state of mind and the reasons you are going in the first place. To travel is to experience, and to have new experiences you must be open to them, invite them. Sometimes this can be difficult, frightening even, as it means stepping out of your comfort zone. It means awkward moments, strange places, strange food and customs and ways of life that seem odd, and often the complete opposite of your own belief system. But isn’t that what makes the world interesting?

So why do it? What is the reward for making all this effort? Why do people go out of their way to travel to strange, hot, dusty, freezing or rainy places to taste odd delicacies made from parts of animals they’ve never heard of, put themselves in uncomfortable, sometimes even dangerous, situations, dealing with the jet lag and the culture shock? The reward is education. The reward is life itself. You might decide you like some of those odd delicacies. You might make some new friends. You will no doubt have some stories to tell, and you will definitely learn something. Your reward will be self discovery, growth, and knowledge. It will be the fact that you braved the world and found out it isn’t so scary after all.

Lonely Planet estimates that by the year 2020 1.5 billion people will be on the move each year. That is over a 6th of the world’s population. The world has shrunk to the point of being a single global suburb. For the more adventurous, this can make travel more difficult, in that cultures are blending at a rapid rate. Countries import not only goods and services, but customs and beliefs. Therefore the human race might eventually become just that: a single race. Great for tolerance, but it would be a less interesting world. So before this happens explore, learn, experience. As the late author James Michener once said: “If you reject the food, ignore the customs, fear the religion and avoid the people, you might better stay home”.

Movie review: Perfect Holiday not so perfect

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Movie review: Perfect Holiday not so perfect

The Perfect Holiday is seasonably pablum partially redeemed by a smart (if wasted) cast and at least one unusual holiday bit. Directed by co-written by Lance (The Cookout) Rivera, the film mostly flounders through contrived meet-cute scenes and some “what were they thinking” scenes (such as one involving a 300-pound “elf” trying to put on a fat suit). The romantic/family comedy also demands a major suspension of disbelief in having the lovely Gabrielle Union portraying a woman (Nancy) who wishes a nice man would pay her a compliment.

Union plays the ex-wife of an obnoxious rapper, J. Jizzy (Charlie Murphy—Eddie’s older brother—who gets the most laughs in the film). The divorcee’s kid helps steer her to a handsome department-store Santa named Benjamin (Morris Chestnut) who also happens to be a songwriter. What’s more, he’s pitching his tunes to J. Jizzy. Much of the film involves Benjamin trying to keep Nancy and Jizzy from finding out about his romantic and business (respectively) arrangements with each of them. The problem is that there’s no logical reason why he should care—or lie to Nancy about his “true” vocation.

Much of the movie involves Nancy discussing life with her gals pals (Jill Marie Jones and Rachel True), Benjamin chumming around with his best bud, Jamal (Faizon Love); and J-Jizzy interacting with his spacey manager, Delicious (Katt Williams). This offers scenes of soul searching, self revelations and some strained comedy—but little of it is interesting.
There’s also little reason for Queen Latifah and Terrence Howard (who seems to have appeared in 95 percent of the films released in 2007) playing competing angels (or perhaps that’s angel vs. devil). Latifah breezes through her role, but Howard just seems embarrassed to be here (and who can blame him?).

One of the brightest parts of The Perfect Holiday is one of its most understated: a department store hires a black Santa and black elf helper, kids of all colors line up to visit Ol’ Saint Nick and no one questions it. It’s a sweet, hopeful set-up that offers a counterpoint to the otherwise pedestrian, plodding antics of The Perfect Holiday.
The Perfect Holiday is rated PG for brief language and some suggestive humor. Running time: 96 minutes. Macsimum rating: 4 out of 10. You can check out the film’s trailers on the QuickTime movie trailer site.

Enjoy Spanish Culture While On Holiday

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Enjoy Spanish Culture While On Holiday

If you want to travel to Spain, but the run of the mill tour just won’t do it for you than investigate some unique ways of sight seeing. For instance, jump on the web to research all the options there are for traveling around Spain in style. Make sure you know what is included in your unique tour of Spain. Try a beach vacation on Costa Blanca or something a little more exciting. Soaking in Spanish culture is a great way to spend a holiday.

If you are active and love being outside, than a cycling tour of Spain might be the perfect way to explore this beautiful country. A cycling tour will give you exercise and provide you with a way to deeply explore the countryside including small towns and villages that would normally be bypassed in a more conventional tour. If you are adventurous and in great shape than you should consider a mountain biking tour.

Usually a cycling tour will cover flat parts of the country. You can choose from many different tour packages and usually you can go off on your own during the day and meet up with your group at night. You will have the opportunity to see historical sights, and view attractions that are hidden to most tourists.

After you pick a tour you will get a map and an itinerary of your trip. Usually your bike and, lodging, and transport will be bundled in the price. Most tour groups will take care of your baggage and take it to each hotel for you as you move across the land on your bike.

If biking all day isn’t your idea of a good time, then try a more decadent tour. A wine and food tour can give you the opportunity to sample the amazing cuisine and drink of Spain. You can go on one or two week trips that will take you across the country and give you information on local food and wine as you go. You will also have the opportunity to partake in delicious meals.

Usually the tours will package together your meals, winery fees, entertainment, lodging, and transportation. Including all these things in one package will make it easier for you to enjoy your tour without worrying about fees and prices while you are there. You will be given an itinerary for your tour and all the information you need to have a great time.

You will be able to stay at hotels across Spain depending on the tour you choose. Since they are usually all inclusive you will be more relaxed as you tour the country. You may even be staying at marvelous hotels depending on your tour.

If you are an animal lover than a wildlife tour might be right up your ally. You can see different types of wildlife in their natural habitat when you go on a wildlife tour. You can choose a tour that is a day to tours that are a week or more depending on your interests. You can choose between bird watching tours, habitat tours, or even plant tours.

If you enjoying walking then try a tour in the Pyrenees Mountains to get you blood pumping. You can also enjoy the wildlife and plants while you are on your walking tour. The animal life and bird life that you see will depend on where you go on your tour. You can also view a wide variety of plants as well depending on the season.

Dignity Travel