Posts Tagged With 'Need'

Discount travel – do you need the frills?

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Discount travel – do you need the frills?

Everyone wants to see the world, but few people have got the money to go everywhere they’d like to. What’s the solution? Do it on the cheap! Discount travel is an industry that is rapidly growing: it seems like every few years some entrepreneur comes up with another new way to get to nice places and stay there without hurting your bank balance.

The most important advance in discount travel has probably been the widespread availability of cheap flights, from companies like America’s Southwest Airlines and Europe’s Easyjet and Ryanair. They use a so-called ‘yield management’ system that allows prices to vary wildly depending on when you book your flight – meaning that if you book far in advance, you can fly for pennies.

Booking online makes it possible to look through all the dates available for months in advance and choose the one that will be cheapest for you. Third-party price comparison websites allow you to then compare the fares from different airlines that fly on the route you’re looking for, meaning that you can fly with the cheapest airline on the cheapest day with very little effort.

Once you’re there, you can stay in some kind of no-frills accommodation, like a youth hostel or a cheap hotel. Companies are starting to realise that many people want nothing more than a bed when they travel, and budget hotels are exploding in popularity all around the world, making it cheaper to stay abroad today than it has ever been before in history.

If you’d like to travel for longer than just a one or two week holiday, there are plenty of ways to do that at a very steep discount – in fact, if you work part-time when you’re abroad, you might be able to travel around and come out having made a profit. More and more students especially are opting for programs where agencies arrange jobs for them in lots of countries over the course of a few years, allowing them to see the world and work at the same time.

So, Do You Need Financial Planning?

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So, Do You Need Financial Planning?

Well do you need Financial Planning? In this article, I will show you how you can answer this question.

Immediately after we complete our college education, we automatically participate in a race call rat race.

Everyone started the race with a cart. In this cart, we have personal bills, loans and our allowance. As we are single, everything is good and manageable. We can spend what we earn without worry.

Then we meet our partners and get married. Thus we begin our next chapter in life. Our cart becomes heavier and we now worry about our spouse’s bills and loans and kids allowance. Some of us must support our parents too. We may even need to bring our family to vocation. As we grow older, our carts get heavier and heavier. Do you have enough savings to meet these expenses?

As we know, life is never a straight and smooth path. We will encounter obstacles. Some of these obstacles may set us back in terms of our financial standing .If we do encounter a big obstacle (e.g. critical illness, operation, surgery, business failure) and need a huge sum of money to recover, Do you have enough money to meet this expense? What if the big obstacle results in us being permanently bed-ridden or out of work for a long time, what is going to happen to our cart? Do you have enough money to support yourself and family if that happens?

Many may say, well we have friends and relatives to turn to for help. But our friends and family have their own carts to pull too. If they help push our cart, who is going to push theirs?

We will all retire from work eventually. From then on till we all rest in peace, we do not have regular income but our life must still go on. We still need to pay our bills and we still need to eat. Do you have enough money to support yourself during retirement?

At old age, our body is no longer working as well as they used to. Our health conditions deteriorate, as we get older. We will need to seek medical help frequently. We may even need to employ a person to take good care of us. Do you have enough money to spend on these medical expenses?

So do you need Financial Planning? If you answer ‘Yes’ to all the above questions, then you are safe and need not worry about Financial Planning. Otherwise, I suggest you start thinking about it.

Travel Writing: All You Need To Know

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Travel Writing: All You Need To Know

Travel literature is a coherent narrative of people, events, sights, feelings, adventure and exploration by an author touring a foreign locale. Travel writings related to essay, guidebook, travelogue or itinerary have overlapping boundaries, so are grouped together as travel literature. This article focuses on travel literature that is more of interest to a tourist.

History of Travel Writing
Petrarch ascended Mount Ventoux in 1336 and wrote about this pleasant travel to see the top of the mountain. He made an allegorical comparison between climbing the mountain and his own moral progress in life. After him many travelers noted their travel impressions. In 1589 Richard Hakluyt published his travel voyages, which remain the foundational text of the travel literature. Robert Louis Stevenson is pioneer of tourism literature.

Types of Travelogues
Some great travel specialists, travel worldwide and make their living by writing about it. Paul Theroux, Jan Morris (travel historian), Eric Newby and William LH Moon are a few of them. Some author’s travel writing intersects essay writing e.g. V.S. Naipaul’s “India, A wounded civilization and Rebecca West’s ‘Black lamb and grey falcon.’ Travel and nature writing tends to merge in many works. Gerald Durrell and Ivan Sanderson are such naturalist authors. Charles Darwin’s famous account of journey on HMS Beagle intersects science, natural history and travel.

Literary travel writings based on authors’ experiences are also very popular. Some authors are Samuel Johnson, Charles Dickens, Robert L Stevenson, D.H.Lawrence, John Steinbeck and Evelyn Waugh.

Homer’s Odyssey, allegorical journeys of Dante’s Divine Comedy, Voltaire’s Candide or Jonathan Swifts Gulliver’s Travels are the fictional travelogues of the mythical journeys.

Unpublished literary writings are available as online travel journals or travelogues written on the move while being constantly updated.

Travel Guides
These are a series of publishing’s dealing with a particular country, city or region. They provide useful information on hotels, restaurants, sight seeing and other travel tips. These are particularly handy for first time travelers and are mostly compiled by specialists.

Travel Writing
The two basic objectives of travel writing are to inform readers of facts and create an interest in them by way of impressions. The travel writer should do preliminary research of the place, make actual notes and be perceptive of people, customs and atmosphere along with landmarks and scenery. Photographs are an essential part to create visual impact of the article. A sophisticated writing style that includes imagery and has narrative dialogues or other fictive technique makes for interesting reading.

A travel article written in a pleasing style will attract the reader and arouse his curiosity about the places described in the piece.

Dignity Travel